Warner Bros. VIP Studio Tour

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Hogwarts Express

A known fact about me is my love for movies and television.  One of my favorite TV shows is Friends so when I found out that you could see the Central Perk set and sit on the couch I immediately wanted to take the VIP tour at Warner Bros. Studio.  By now I have done the tour three times and while I did see a few of the same things each time every tour was different enough to keep me coming back.  The tour begins in the gift shop where you will find really fun merchandise for Ellen, Harry Potter, The Big Bang Theory, Pretty Little Liars and Friends to name a few.  Five minutes before your tour begins you will be brought into a theatre to watch a short film on tv shows and movies Warner Bros. have played a role in creating.  Afterwards three tour guides will come in, call their groups and head off to the trams.

pretty little liars

Once on board your tram your guide will want to know what TV shows or movies you like so that they can be sure to point out and take you to places you will like.  My first tour I mentioned that I like Pretty Little Liars so our guide took us on the set inside one of the sound stages.  This is only possible if they are not filming so I got very lucky as this was unavailable on my last two tours.  I was able to go inside all of the Liars bedrooms, see the halls and classrooms of Rosewood High and look inside Emily’s school locker.  I also mentioned that I liked The Big Bang Theory so our guide took us inside their soundstage and we sat in the studio audience and saw Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment as well as Penny’s.


On my second tour we went on the set of Ellen and even though I had been there before since I have been to a taping it was really cool because they took us backstage so we saw some really fun stuff that Ellen keeps back there.  On my most recent tour we started walking onto the set of Pretty Little Liars when our guide remembered they were going to start production that day so as a back up plan we went to the soundstage for Mike and Molly since they tape in the same spot where Full House and Friends were filmed.  Outside of that soundstage is a sign that says The Friends Stage.  When you go on sound stages for shows that are still on air you are not able to take pictures but it is still really exciting.


This picture was taken in the prop house

On my first tour we were taken into a room that had vehicles from Scooby Doo, Harry Potter, and a few other films.  They had a green screen set up where you could take a picture in front of the Hogwarts Express.  On my last two tours this room has been replaced with all Batman related vehicles.  During two of the tours I got to go through their prop house which is awesome.  Though my favorite part will always be getting to go on the set of Central Perk from Friends.  It has been moved off the sound stage and is identical to what you would see on Friends.  If I remember correctly the couch is from seasons seven through nine and there are only two pieces of the set that are not original, one being Phoebe’s guitar as Lisa Kudrow kept that.  The guide will be more than happy to take your picture and for a huge Friends fan it is really exciting.

Central Perk

Just chillin at Central Perk

The tour lasts for around two and half hours so while you will be getting out of the tram to walk around you will also see a lot from the tram itself.  Twice my tour guides have been great about driving to the houses used on Pretty Little Liars and if you ask nicely they’ll stop long enough for you to get out and a get a picture in front of houses or buildings that you are interested in.  I have never seen any actors during my time on the lot but the guides have all said that it does happen so have your camera ready at all times!  You will stop at a two story building which holds props from Harry Potter on top and you are lucky they will have the sorting hat though results may not be accurate since it put me in Slytherin.

Sorting hat

Getting sorted into Slytherin even though Pottermore said I’m a Hufflepuff

The VIP tour price has gone up since my last visit and the most affordable way to go is by purchasing a Go LA card.  This is especially great for those visiting the area but recently my friend and I purchased the Go LA card because we were also interested in taking the Sony Studio Tour which is also included through the card.  The Sony tour is $40 but a one day Go LA card is $77 so if you want to do both you’ll save.  There are also other great places you can get into with the Go LA card so I would definitely encourage you to check it out.  The tour is very popular so keep that in mind when planning your visit.  You will need to show a government issued id to pick up your ticket so make sure to have that on you.  One more tip is to look up which shows and movies are/were filmed at Warner Bros. so that you can tell your guide what you want to see.  On my first tour I was the only one in my group who spoke up so that meant that what I wanted to see I got to see.

**The tour has been changed a little bit since my last visit but all the changes sound like they will only enhance the tour!

For information on the Warner Bros. VIP Studio Tour visit: http://vipstudiotour.warnerbros.com

For information on the Go LA card visit: http://www.smartdestinations.com/los-angeles-attractions-and-tours/_d_Lax-p1.html?pass=Lax_Prod_Go

my belle elle

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20 thoughts on “Warner Bros. VIP Studio Tour

  • Robin Masshole Mommy

    I want to do this when we are in Cali in April. We are spending a day in LA so we might :)

  • Elizabeth O.

    You’re one lucky gal to be able to visit these lovely studios especially the one of FRIENDS! I love that show as well and it would be nice to revisit the series by touring their old studio.

  • R U S S

    It’s about time that they have this – although I’m not sure if it’s been around for a while but this is certainly that I’m hearing about this kind of tour. A lot of my friends and I grew up watching FRIENDS and we’ll definitely enjoy this tour.

  • victoria

    You had an awesome experience to visit that studios. I wish i could have too.

  • Elle Post author

    If I’m lucky it’s one per week or even just a few per month. Most of the things I blog about haven’t necessarily happened within the last month some are from years ago. And its really only because of where I live that I’m able to do so much

  • Marielle Altenor

    Would be so awesome to visit their Warner Bros Studio! A lot of great shows in movies has been produced there. Looks like a great time!

  • Tanisha @ ThriftyNYmom

    Wow looks like so much fun! I’d die to see the Friends, PLL & Ellen sets, those are some of my fav’s! I went to Cali about 7 years ago while most of the writers were on strike. We passed the Warner Bros Studio on a guided tour bus we were on of the city and saw them outside with their signs and everything. I don’t think they were doing tours of the studios at the time, but I did get to see lots of actors who were there supporting the writers. I hope to go back someday and see the studios, it would be such a dream! :)

  • Shannon Gurnee

    I would love to visit Warner Brothers Studios. What an awesome experience to go on the VIP tour! Love the pictures you shared!

  • Jonathan Key

    Sounds like you had a blast! I would love to take my family some day. My wife would love this. Happy new year and looking forward to more great content in 2016!