A few years ago I was on a road trip with two of my friends in the New England area. We began our trip in Boston, MA and ended our trip at Niagara Falls. This trip was especially fun because while we knew where we wanted to end up we didn’t have plans we needed to stick to. Most of our hotels we booked the day of so that if we wanted to stay in one location longer than we planned we could. This also meant we didn’t have to stay in cities we didn’t find very fun. We decided spur of the moment to add more of Canada to our journey. After briefly experiencing Montreal we made our way to Toronto.

My friend took this picture from the car as we drove into Toronto. You can really tell how tall the tower as none of the other buildings even come close in height.
It was dark when we arrived in Toronto so we headed to our hotel and made plans for the next day. We decided to check out the CN Tower. The CN in the name stands for Canadian National and is the third tallest tower in the world. As we drove into downtown Toronto we could see the tower from miles away. We parked across the street next to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum. For tickets we chose the general admission option which was $32.
While I am not scared of heights, I’ve been skydiving & hot air ballooning, there were two things that I did not like about the CN Tower. Elevators make me incredibly nervous as they are very small and there is no clear exit route should you get stuck. The idea of being in a tower that is 1,815.4 ft tall doesn’t bother me but riding in a small and overstuffed elevator to get there does. However, there was no way I was going to take the stairs and I don’t think the tower was making that an option. It was cool though that the elevator had glass doors so we had a nice view on our way up and down. The second thing that I did not like is the glass floor that most towers have. Being on glass that high up makes me a little nervous because to me it doesn’t seem as sturdy as the carpeted flooring. We all have our fears right? The way some people feel about heights is how I feel about elevators and glass floors in towers.
I am not incredibly comfortable on the glass floors but they are fun for taking pictures. One of the things that I loved about the CN Tower is that they have cameras on the ceiling above the glass. These cameras are perfect for taking pictures of you while showing the ground below you. Believe me that the pictures you will try to take on your own phone and camera do not turn out as good. The price was quite fair for the pictures and we decided to split the cost three ways. When we returned to California we scanned the pictures at Walmart to make copies for all of us.
There is an enclosed outdoor spot at the top of the tower though I did not find the view as nice it was from the inside of the tower. It was also really windy and since it was not a warm day I did not care to spend too much time out there. The edgewalk was not open while we were at the tower which I was okay with since it was a bit cool outside. Thrill seekers will love the edgewalk which allows you walk on top of the roof of the main pod on the tower. While I do love doing adventurous things I do not know that I would have wanted to do that but its something to keep in mind if you visit. We needed to leave Toronto to get to Niagara Falls after our visit to the CN Tower but I wish we could have seen it lit up at night. My friends and I had a good time and I’m glad we stopped by here.