The Movie Tour in Boston

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Movie TourIn Boston

Some friends and I took a road trip around the New England area a few years ago.  One of my favorite cities that we visited was Boston.  Before the trip I did a lot of research so I could figure out what to see.  During my research I stumbled upon something called the GO Boston Card.  You can buy the card for one day or for multiple days and the card can get you in to multiple attractions for one price.  My friends and I bought the two day card and were able to do a lot of fun things in the city.  I am a big movie fan and love visiting places where movies and TV shows were filmed which made the movie tour in Boston a great option.  Lucky for me the movie tour through On Location Tours was included with the GO Boston Card all we had to do was sign up for a tour time in advance.

massachusetts state house

Quite a few movies and tv shows have filmed in Boston and on the tour we saw a lot of interesting buildings.  We met our tour guide in Boston Common which is the oldest city park in the United States.  Only a few others joined us on the tour which made it nice because we were able to talk more with our guide.  One of the first places that he pointed out was the state capitol building which can be seen in The Departed staring Matt Damon & Leonardo DiCaprio.  I love seeing the capitol buildings in various states because while they all share similarities they are all unique.  Across from the state house is a statue that pays tribute to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth Regiment.  Robert Gould Shaw was portrayed by Matthew Broaderick in the movie Glory.


Do you know the show Cheers?  This particular bar was originally called the Bull & Finch pub but since the exterior of this bar was shown on the show Cheers they eventually changed the name to match the show.  We did not go inside but stopped by long enough to take pictures and for our guide to give us some interesting information.  I have never seen Cheers but I know the theme song because it was on an episode of Friends.  Taking a picture here was important for me since my parents knew the TV show.  I wanted a picture of Cheers to send to them.  If you have time while in Boston and are a fan of Cheers I would encourage you to consider eating at here as that would be really fun.  There are two Cheers bars in the Boston area but the one in Beacon Hill, the one I went to, is the one with the exterior used in the TV show.

good will hunting

The park that we started and ended our tour in is where scenes for Good Will Hunting were filmed.  Do you remember the scene with Matt Damon & Robin Williams in the park?  The bench that they sat on facing the water is still there.  I took this tour in May 2014 a few months before Robin Williams passed away.  After his death fans have taken to leaving their favorite movie quotes of his in chalk in front of the bench to pay tribute to him.  There is even discussion of putting a statue of him on the bench which I think would be great.  I loved spending time in this park as it was so beautiful and there was so much to see.  The famous swan boats are located here which my friends and I rode after our tour.  We even saw people dressed up in old Victorian attire playing croque.

IMG_4251One of the things that I really loved about Boston were the streets which were full of history.  We don’t have cobblestone streets like the one in the picture above out here in California.  As we explored Beacon Hill we saw so many gorgeous Brownstone homes and saw one of the houses from the original Parent Trap.  Our guide then brought us to the street in the picture above which I think is very representative of the historical feelings you get in Boston.  This street was one of the most beautiful things that I saw on my trip and I love how picturesque it is.

The tour was such a fun way to see the city especially since we went to a few places that would not have been possible with a car.  If you purchase tickets directly through OnLocationTours you will pay $41.  With the GO Boston card the tour is included.  Depending on how much you want to do & how many days you want to use the card will determine how much you pay.  You can also purchase tickets through Viator for the movie tour for $25.  The tour is good but it is even better when you aren’t paying full price.

my belle elle

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21 thoughts on “The Movie Tour in Boston

  • Terri Beavers

    This would be a blast to me as I’ve never been on a movie tour before. I love the show Cheers and listen to the theme song just about on a daily basis when I need to relax.

  • Elizabeth O.

    Boston is a really cool city. They also have a very rich history! I love the places you can go to there.

  • Heather

    My mother used to watch Cheers. I do remember seeing it as a child. It sounds like you had a great trip. I would definitely research where to go too just so I saw the most important parts of the city if I knew I wouldn’t be back any time soon. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  • Eileen

    That would be so cool to be in the same place where great shows and movies were filmed! I would love to see these places too, someday, when finances permit.

  • lexie lane

    Such a wonderful adventure you had in Boston, Looks like a great place to relax and had fun with my hubby.

  • Laurie

    I have been wanting to go to Boston (it’s withon day trip distance for us) I think I’ll add that your to my list of things to do.